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Avoid these supplements and ingredients for a healthier life

Supplements to Avoid (overdoing) By Dr. Mick Hall

    Occasionally, a serious researcher comes along who has worked very hard to find valuable truths that benefit you and I rather than generating greater profits for corporations. The information presented below was gathered from such a diligent researcher named Morley M. Robbins.

Remember: our bodies are efficient at converting clean water, fresh air, sunshine, and real food into its needed requirements, but because of unhealthy farming practices, the processing of food for increased shelf life, and the ever-expanding nutritional supplement industry, we have unknowingly created patterns within our bodies, that if not corrected, guarantee our bodies to age and develop degenerative disease.

There is a delicate balance within our body chemistry between copper, iron, magnesium, oxygen, and ceruloplasmin (the major copper-carrying protein in the blood). The following items disrupt this delicate balance and help to cause inflammation and the free radical damage that parallels degeneration.


  1. Iron supplements: Too much dietary and supplemental iron is the single most toxic factor contributing to poor health and fatigue. Our bodies can retain 95% of the iron from recycled blood cells. The other 5%, which is 1mg. of iron per day, is to be obtained from our diet. Excess iron is the key nutritional element required for the growth of almost all bacteria. Iron is the metal that ages us. Iron is the master pro-oxidant element on Earth and is the principal element behind oxidative stress. Iron triggers the loss of magnesium, that leads to chronic inflammation.


  1. Vitamin D3 supplements: Vitamin D3 is the storage form of Vitamin D. The body requires the bioactive form that our bodies develop from sunshine, or that we get from liver and fish oil. Researchers at Yale Medical School found that this supplemental, storage form of Vitamin D causes kidney potassium wasting. It also creates a metabolic demand on the liver that triggers the synthesis of a protein that binds our copper a thousand times stronger than it binds zinc, and without copper we cannot produce energy in the body.


  1. Calcium supplements: Calcium carbonate supplements are essentially poison to the body’s vital bone-building process, and more importantly poison to the metabolic processes to make energy. Calcium is suggested to slow bone loss, but it is the excess of iron activating oxidative stress and the loss of magnesium which causes inflammation which stresses the body and activates it to sedate the stress by drawing calcium from the bones to be used as a sedative, thereby causing osteoporosis.


  1. Zinc: Zinc supplements, unlike dietary zinc, triggers the production of metallothionein in the liver. Metallothionein is the protein that binds up copper a thousand times greater than it binds up zinc. Supplemental zinc, like several other supplemental minerals perform actions that have a negative influence on nutritional copper and thereby create copper deficiencies.


  1. Molybdenum: Molybdenum deficiencies are virtually nonexistent, so there is really no reason to supplement this mineral. Like supplemental zinc, molybdenum’s negative influence on copper is as a chelator. With too much molybdenum in the body, it chelates the nutritional copper out, causing a copper deficiency.


  1. Drugstore once-a-day multivitamins, Multimineral, and Prenatal Vitamins: None of these products are designed to enhance the bioavailable copper in the body. These products are made from a chemical mixture of ingredients including iron, synthetic vitamin C, synthetic vitamin D3, etc. and stress the body rather than help it.


  1. B vitamins: Most of the B vitamins being sold are synthetic and are produced as byproducts from the petroleum industry. The best way to get your B vitamins is from Beef liver, bee pollen, and other foods rich in the B vitamins.


  1. Ascorbic acid, Citrate, and Citric acid: these synthetic chemicals are the most widely used supplements in the world and are one of the main culprits in the epidemic of chronic fatigue and all other diseases in the US. Ascorbic acid has proven itself as a lifesaver in pneumonia, snake bite, and conditions requiring a hard kickstart of the immune system, but as a daily supplement it is guilty of chelating the other factors of a complete vitamin C from the body as well as harshly destroying our body’s supply of ceruloplasmin and bioavailable copper.


  1.  High Fructose corn syrup and synthetic sugars: all forms of these sweet poisons block the doorways that allow nutritional copper into the body.


  1. Vegetable oils (soybean, canola, safflower, and corn oils): These oils cause rampant inflammation in the body and are part of the foundation for heart disease and circulatory issues. The polyunsaturated fatty acids from these oils are lacking hydrogen atoms, making them much more reactive. When iron encounters these polyunsaturated fatty acids, this activates oxidative stress. The chain reaction of this lipid peroxidation then determines the level of degeneration happening within the body.


  1. Fluoride: Fluorine is the most reactive element on the planet. Oxygen is the second most reactive element. The fluoride in water, toothpaste, etc., not only displaces magnesium, but in the presence of the oxygen in water, this makes a perfect recipe for creating oxidative stress. Fluoride also displaces magnesium. It has also been established that fluoride is responsible for the pineal gland becoming calcified.


  1. Colloidal silver as a supplement: Silver is a time proven way of killing unwanted pathogens within our bodies. Short-term treatment works very well to clear up many unwanted bacterial infections. Yet, there are two important reasons to not use silver long-term. First, silver displaces copper, causing the copper to not be assimilated. Secondly, if silver does the daily work for your immune system, this will slowly weaken your immune response.


  1. Low-fat, high carbohydrate, processed, refined foods: This most popular way of eating in the US is why we, as a country, have slipped from being the healthiest country in the world 75 years ago, to one of the least healthy. We now lead the world in the incidences of obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and many other chronic, degenerative diseases.


    There are three major categories of cause behind the development of all human disease:

  1. Autointoxication
  2. Acidification
  3. The distorted balance between copper, iron, magnesium, oxygen, and ceruloplasmin.


    Autointoxication is the process of each of us poisoning our own bodies. This is done through thoughts, emotions, wrong relationships, food, air, water, and environmental influences. It should be the highest priority for every person to follow the necessary steps to reverse the lifetime accumulation of this toxic material. The steps necessary for this work are presented in the Body Chemistry Support System booklet.


    Every one of the, approximate, one hundred trillion cells of the human body are producing acidic carbon dioxide 24 hours of every day. All negative thinking and negative feelings also produce acid waste. Most proteins and most processed and refined foods are acidic. The wisest way to begin reducing this huge volume of acidic waste is to shift the attitude first. Shift the focus into a more positive direction. The second is to follow the 13 steps outlined in the Body Chemistry Support System booklet. And the third is to transition the diet by consuming alkaline fruits, vegetables, and berries every day.


    To correct the distorted balance between copper, iron, magnesium, oxygen, and ceruloplasmin, we must first discontinue doing those things that are distorting this balance by discontinuing the use of the supplements listed above. We must then consume much more foods that are high in nutritional copper and magnesium. High copper foods are liver, spirulina, Shiitake mushrooms, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and dark chocolate. Foods high in magnesium are dark chocolate, avocados, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, bananas, leafy greens, tamarind, potato skins, raisins, red meat, turkey, beans, and legumes.


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