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The Rise of Beauty Nutrition, Nutricosmetics and Ingestible Beauty

The Rise of Beauty Nutrition, Nutricosmetics and Ingestible Beauty

The Rise of Beauty Nutrition, Nutricosmetics and Ingestible Beauty

Vitamins, minerals, and supplements were the leading category of growth in 2019 with over $42.5 billion in global revenue. The major gains were led by probiotics, calcium, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and beauty nutrition.  This evolved category is based on years of science explaining how beauty is directly tied to nutrition and health from the “inside-out”.  We now know  through science, that in order to have healthy skin, hair, and nails, these areas require nutrient support, either from the foods we eat or through additional supplementation. Absorption and delivery of nutrients are of equal importance.

Supplements for specific benefits such as skin, hair, and nails have been driven by changing demographics, an aging population, and consumer needs for overall wellness. So, what’s the difference between all these dietary supplements?  Innovation, Ingredients, and Science. Many supplements targeted for beauty feature multiple ingredient factors that work together:  capsules, soft gels, powders, drink mixes, or gummies. These various forms are ingested into the body by swallowing, chewing or drinking in order to absorb it. This is where the term ingestible beauty is derived from.

Examples of ingestible beauty nutrition are found in collagen products, beverages, and food sources that provide nutritional value emphasizing support for skin, hair, and nails.

What Exactly is a Nutricosmetic, and  What Does it Do?

A nutricosmetic is the convergence of nutrition, nutraceuticals, and personal care designed to deliver beauty and healthy aging benefits with an emphasis not just on skin, hair, and nails, but also on wellness.

Nutricosmetics are a sub class of their own, they share characteristics with dietary supplements, ingestible beauty, and nutrition.  Let’s break it out.

Nutrition is from food sources and provides nutrients to the body for energy, growth, tissue maintenance, cell repair and overall regulation of our body’s metabolism. There are 7 key essential nutrients identified that our body needs daily: vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Nutraceuticals are often referred to as bioceuticals, which are pharmaceutical alternatives with benefit claims that support the body in some way.  Many nutraceuticals are derived from food sources and are based on research science that has demonstrated effectiveness in providing additional health benefits.  The key here is how these formulations offer support to various functions of the body, and the effectiveness of absorption.

Personal Care, as defined by Wikipedia, “are consumer products used in personal hygiene and for beautification.”  Personal care products include cosmetics, lotions, toothpaste, body wash, shampoos, and skin care products.

How Nutricosmetics Support Beauty

Today’s beauty industry focus is on anti-aging, and now,  healthy aging.  We all want to minimize the affects of aging.  Skincare, nails, hair, eyebrows, and lashes. Make up, medical devices, and skin care lotions, are all just a part of the multitude of products on the market, supporting the $532 billion-dollar global beauty industry. (2019).  The U.S. is currently the world’s largest beauty care market. 

When we go back to the  beginning of the global beauty industry, the true pioneers did not underestimate a woman’s desire for beauty.  These women set out to inspire women everywhere, to be the best that they could be.  They wanted to support other women on their own personal quest for achievement and a rewarding life. This inspiration is on a comeback.  Today, women are choosing lifestyle and health as a part of their overall beauty routine.  These are the women that are willing to be patient with results.  They know that real beauty is built on product quality, and that healthy aging is a lifestyle choice not just vanity.

This is  also where nutricosmetics comes into play.  In order to have healthy hair, strong nails, and skin, nutrients are required.  However, there are additional factors involved, this includes absorption capabilities, blood flow and circulation.  Blood removes waste produced from cells, delivers oxygen, hormones, and nutrients throughout our body. Healthy blood flow is important for our vitality and is reflected in the way we look.  Our circulation is key to nutrient delivery and  is good for the skin.  Since skin, hair, and nails are the last places to receive nutrients, maintaining good nutrition is an important contribution for overall wellness and beauty benefits.


Nutricosmetics by TruBeauty

Offers a nutritional approach to health and beauty.  The first formulation is called NITRIC OXIDE REJUVENATIION, which supports the production of nitric oxide as a bioidentical (NO) therapy, this means it is specifically formulated to support the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients for a targeted purpose. Rejuvenation def: The process of helping someone look, feel better, younger or more vital. Is a general health & beauty multi-vitamin for skin, hair, nails, vitality and performance.

The next product introduction in 2020, is RECOVERY, designed to support natural COLLAGEN from within, for SKIN, BONE Health, CONNECTIVE Tissue. Other applications: Post surgery, wound healing, and post work out.

Both TruBeauty products use natural ingredients, are non-GMO, gluten free, and in a vegan capsule.

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