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Ultimate Beauty Health Announces Support for the Celiac Foundation

Ultimate Beauty Health Announces Support for the Celiac Foundation

Tackles Nutritional Absorption Dilemma for People with Celiac

 Woodland Hills, California: Ultimate Beauty Health, today announced their support with the Celiac Disease Foundation, a national organization founded in 1990 to bring about an end to the suffering caused by Celiac disease. Celiac is a serious auto-immune disease that occurs genetically and effects one out of one hundred people worldwide. 

The only known treatment existing today is gluten free lifestyle management.  Gluten can lead to damage in the small intestine, when this occurs, nutrients cannot be absorbed properly by the body. This is where Ultimate Beauty Health’s flagship dietary supplement, “Nitric Oxide Rejuvenation”, is designed to support the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients while enhancing oxygen and blood flow.

“Our mission,” says Priscilla Alden, Founder at Ultimate Beauty Health, ”Is Rejuvenation, which means the process of helping someone look or feel better, younger or more vital. It is our hope that we can make a difference, through support, future research, and public outreach.

We are excited to work with The Celiac Disease Foundation“It is actually quite hard to think of something that wouldn’t benefit from an increase of nitric oxide, everything from nutritional absorption to healthy aging” claims Brooke Heather, CTN.

 The key benefits for people affected by Celiac:

  • Contributions by companies and individuals further advance the research for Celiac treatment and hope for a cure.
  • A Natural, Gluten Free, and NON-GMO, Nutritional dietary supplement option is now available on the organizations site.
  • Educational Expo, June 2020 where people suffering from Celiac Disease can come together and share their experiences with each other. Learn more about research and gluten free options to help manage symptoms.

 Ultimate Beauty Health : Is a nutritional dietary supplement company for overall wellness and beauty from the inside-out.  The first flagship products focus on the benefits of nitric oxide, a molecule discovered in 1998 by Nobel Prize Scientists.

 The Celiac Disease Foundation : Mission & Purpose is to accelerate diagnosis, treatments, and a cure for celiac disease through research, education, and advocacy.

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